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Wednesday 14 December 2011


ARGUMENT - I don't listen to the words, I just like the beats/music.
RESPONSE - Your sub conscience records everything! You may try to block out the lyrics, but you cannot stop them from being recorded into your mind. Your mind can even record backwards messages. It has been scientifically proven that your mind is so clever that, even when you aren't trying to, you can receive the information that is stated in the lyrics of music. Even if it is recorded backwards. And it affects you! When you listen to sex, sex, sex, or murder, murder, murder, those are things that will come out of you in the heat of the moment. They are programmed in your mind without your consent.
PROOF - How many TV commercial jingles do you know? And how many of those did you actually learn purposely? Your answer is probably that you never intended to learn them, but because they played in your mind, you learned them without putting forth any effort. Now, where do you think the foul messages from Hip Hop are going when you listen to them?
Galatians 6:8 for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
ARGUMENT - I'm not influenced by music. I can listen to it and it won't even affect me.
RESPONSE - Then why do advertisers pay up to $1,000,000 for 15 minutes of commercial time during the Super Bowl? They know something that you don't even know about yourself. They can play their commercial jingle and show you pictures of things, and influence you to buy their product in a matter of seconds. Your mouth gets watery, your lips get white, and your stomach starts growling because your hunger and your ears begin to work together to cause you to desire that hamburger! Well, the same goes for sin. Your fleshly man and those lyrics/videos begin to work together to cause you to desire sin. Our flesh is already wicked and desires things that are not of God. So what happens when you mix that with sinful lyrics, or sinful video images? James 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
ARGUMENT - But I've got to have my music! What am I supposed to listen to? You are taking away the fun of living. Why can't we just stop being so picky about things?
RESPONSE - This thing are Spiritual. If you are thinking naturally, you will never understand the message of the SPIRIT! You will not understand what God really has for you. And you will not make it heaven without being "Spiritually minded". If you desire secular music, secular clubs, sinful movies, and sinful things all the time, you really need to check your lifestyle. Are you really saved? Has God really come in and changed you? Remember that the type of music you listen to is the soundtrack of your life. Check it out. A lot of people don’t want to see life from a spiritual point of view, they just want to live normally but the spiritual controls the physical. Those that understand this principle go all out and use and it work for them be it positively or negatively.