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Sunday 16 October 2011

HOW TO TEST AND TRY MUSIC written by ymusik

Down through history, music has always been a powerful expression of emotional, social, and spiritual messages. Music is endowed with the power to bypass a person’s conscious mind and communicate deeper with the human soul and spirit than spoken words will, thus, the need to be careful and mindful of the messages that are smuggled into our minds without our conscious consent.
These wrong messages are enough to damage an adult's life lest children and adolescents who are more prone to being impacted negatively by some songs. The heightened impact of music upon youth is due to the fact that the younger the child, the more impressionable the child. Thus, it is vital that during the time young people often want to listen to the music of their peers, parents must help their children select music that will encourage godliness instead of worldliness.
Since music has always been a powerful medium for sending and receiving information, we must understand what music is, how it affects us, and how God desires us to utilize it because if we do not understand God's design for music, then we will not only miss the blessings He has for us in godly music, but may be allowing evil influences to corrupt and take charge of our lives.
Music is tonal and lyrical auditory vibrations that our ears receive and our brains interpret. Both instrumental music and verbal lyrical components of music have unique impacts on all people. Due to human design, music can make an "end run" around our conscious minds and, for better or for worse, alter our perceptions of God, ourselves, and the world. Music is so powerful that even animals and plants are affected by it.
Specifically, the two components of music illustrate how this effect occurs. The lyrics of music can be easily read, but not so often easily heard. One of many myths that people hold about music is that if the words are not easily understood, then they are not having an effect. Numerous research studies have shown this belief to be false. More significantly, and also contrary to some views, even instrumental music is not neutral or amoral. This is true for two primary reasons: (1) the spirit that is at work with the player of the music. I do not really have problem with the type of genre or groove at which a music is done be it soft rock, hard rock and classical, macosa, ballad, swing, rock n roll , but spirit that is at work with the person playing the music. Hence, the reason why music have been consistently shown to have different effects upon the body, mind, and emotions and can either be positive or evil; and (2) Different types of music have different connotations to the listener because of associations made with previously heard music.
The clearest example of how music affects us can be seen in the match between a person and the types of music one listens to. To paraphrase Aristotle, you will become like the music that you like. Or, put another way, "You are what you listen to." For good or for evil, this is why everyone listens to music. Our individual choice of music is like our personal soundtrack for the movie our life-- anthems by which to live. For example, sometimes secrets or insights about a person's self-image can be discerned by knowing the types of music with which they are programming themselves.
Some if not all secular music is illustrative of all that can be destructive in music. The emphasis on sex, drugs, alcohol, rebellion, and the occult provides a clear picture of how man can pervert music, from what God intended for His glory and our benefit, into an evil medium.
In reality, our deteriorating moral and social culture and deteriorating standard of music have a chicken and egg relationship. That is, both cause and effect, the other and are inseparable.
While mankind has twisted God's plan for music, God has given us clear principles to help us richly enjoy the blessings He has for us in a broad spectrum of godly and edifying music. It is very important that we do not repeat a primary error of Christian faith in history--diluting God's truth with the world's deception. When this happens Christians are easily tricked into thinking that they are doing what God demands of them.
From these complex ideas, it is readily apparent that this issue of music requires godly discernment and understanding. Each individual must study God's Word to receive guidance from God about how to use music in his or her life. All of us must be careful to separate our own opinions from what the Word of God actually says, because music is a personal topic to all of us. Nevertheless, God's Word does give us principles to guide our decisions in this area of grace, freedom, and responsibility.

The Vessel                                                                                 55%
The content of the music                                                     35%
The method of delivery                                                        10%
THE VESSEL: if you are not okay with the personality of the person doing the music or if the person’s lifestyle does not satisfy moral standings or the personality’s spiritual life. These are indications that you are not suppose to listen to that song. Personality involves the life style of the musician.
THE CONTENT OF THE MUSIC: If the content or concept of the music carries vague language, ambiguous or unclear messages which you are uncertain about or probably does not glorify God, then cut it out.
THE METHOD OF DELIVERY: This involves dress code, venues, event or methods through which messages are passed across. These factors cannot be under-emphasized as they mean a lot. Everything about us should speak God. A person cannot profess God and dress in an ungodly manner. Indeed we should be ambassadors of Him. If all in the name of pulling crowd to a programme for instance we begin to use some wrong approaches or methods, then what do we stand for? One cannot afford to be unequally yoked. Watch this factor!

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